News Releases: Mudawar Thermal Systems Inc.


highly cited badge
  • Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researcher, 2015. - read release
  • The Betty Ruth and Milton B. Hollander Family Professor of Mechanical Engineering, 2015. - read release
  • “Professor Issam Mudawar on his 60th Birthday,” article co-authored by leading heat transfer researchers and former students, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 89, pp. A1-A3, 2015. - publication
  • Mudawar NASA flow boiling condensation experiment - website


  • Mudawar receives American Society for Gravitational and Space Research Founder's Award - read release
  • Mudawar receives ASME Heat Transfer Memorial Award - read release
  • Mudawar receives ASME 75th Heat Transfer anniversary Medal - read release


  • Engineers design, build major component for hydrogen cars - read release


  • New storage system design brings hydrogen cars closer to reality - read release
  • Chip-cooling technology achieves 'dramatic' 1,000-watt capacity - read release
  • Indiana firm developing technology to keep high-tech tools cool - read release


  • Purdue miniature cooling device will have military, computer uses - read release


  • Purdue method to help engineers design systems for Mars, moon missions - read release
  • 21st Century Fund matches more than $1 million for Purdue Research Park companies - read release


  • Tiny bubbles are key to liquid-cooled system for future computers - read release
  • MTS featured in MDA Update - read release



  • Issam Mudawar, professor of mechanical engineering, has been named Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers - read release


  • Business Week - KEEPING CHIPS FROM BLOWING THEIR COOL - read release