Capabilities: Test Facilities
Located in Ross Enterprise Center, 3495 Kent Ave, Suite F, West Lafayette, IN 47906, the main site for Mudawar Thermal Systems, Inc., has 1537 square feet of floor space divided among management office, design office, conference room, and laboratory. The laboratory conforms to environmental laws and regulations of federal, Indiana and local governments for, but not limited to, airborne emissions, waterborne effluents, external radiation levels, outdoor noise, solid and bulk waste disposal practices, and handling and storage of toxic and hazardous materials.
Mudawar Thermal Systems houses several highly instrumented two-phase flow facilities designed specifically for high-power-density thermal management. They include:
- High Capacity Two-phase Flow Loop: this facility contains a power distribution and metering system capable of simultaneously controlling a variety of heat sources, variable voltage power supplies with capabilities exceeding 10 kW, parallel rotameters spanning a broad range of flow rates, absolute and differential pressure transducers, digital temperature indicators, stainless steel filter, and control and bypass valves. This loop also contains a high-capacity stainless steel reservoir/deaeration vessel fitted with internal condensing coil, reflux condenser, and 4.5 kW stainless steel immersion heater.
- High Capacity Recirculating Chiller: this Neslab system features 24 kW cooling capacity, 5 to 35°C temperature range, and temperature stability of 0.1°C. The chiller contains a centrifugal pump rated for 17 gpm at 50 psi.
- Compact Avionics Cooling Loop: this facility contains 400 Hz, 3-phase miniature aluminum centrifugal pump, compact shell-and-tube heat exchanger, turbine flow meter, particulate filter, and piston accumulator.
- Cooling/Flow Visualization Loop: this facility contains a two-phase loop along with power supply, and power, temperature and flow rate measurement instruments, and flow visualization chamber. This facility is well suited for jet-impingement and spray research.
- Very Compact Rack-Mounted Loop: this facility contains a two-phase loop along with power supply, and power, temperature, and flow rate measurement instruments, all mounted inside a standard electronic rack.
- Several Customized Loops: these facilities are assembled to meet specific customer needs.
Thermocouple and test heater instrumentation station: this station includes a microscope, digital multimeters, temperature controlled hot plate, ultrasonic surface cleaner, thermocouple welder, thermocouple sheathing and assembly tools, and extensive thermocouple wire and connector supplies. Also available are a large variety of custom very-high-heat-flux test heaters.
Software: MTS2PhHiFlux (Mudawar Thermal Systems software for two-phase loop design, and micro-channel heat diffusion, pressure drop and heat transfer characterization), PTC Creo Parametric (3-D modeling), and ANSYS DesignSpace (finite element analysis). Software tools are used in conjunction with three Dell workstations, two Dell laptops, and two Apple workstations.